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Reimers Ranch Fall Climbing


Outpost Wilderneess has been climbing and guiding at Reimers Ranch since 2001. This Fall we are offering several opportunities to climb the fantastic limestone at this central Texas destination.

Cirque of the Towers climbing Sept 9-13 , 2024


The Cirque of the Towers deep in the heart of the Wind River mountains needs little introduction, one of the premier alpine climbing venues in the lower 48. This 5 day trip is led by an AMGA certified guide and is all inclusive!

2025 Dates will be available soon!

Pecos River paddle and climb Mar 17-21 , 2025


Paddle and climb along the Pecos River with use, this trip begins in Pandale Texas and ends near Comstock Texas. We will paddle the Pecos river in canoes, camping along the way and stopping to climb at the Continental Ranch. All inclusive trip begins in Comstock then a short shuttle to the put in point

Free Enchanted Rock Climbing Park Orientation

  • Dates: 1st weekend of each month, please contact to confirm day and time!
  • Gender: Coed
  • Age Group: 18+
  • Availability: Open
  • Cost: Free (Cost of the park entrance is not included)

enchanted rock
Join OWA any first Saturday of the month for a two hour hike and orientation of the most famous and some of the hard to find climbing routes. Rappel stations, anchors locations and popular climbing areas will also be in the tour. Have climbing routes you are interested in finding? Bring a list and we will happily show you where they are. Please meet the OWA guides at the restrooms with the showers inside the park at 10:00am. We recommend you bring water bottles, snacks, sunscreen and proper hiking shoes. You might also want to bring a camera, pencil and paper. No reservation required. ***As an added bonus, we will be providing FREE climber’s coffee from 9 a.m. until time of the tour. We will have cups but you are encouraged to bring your own mug as well. You’ll get a chance to hang out, drink coffee, and meet other climbers of all ages and experience. We will also have guidebooks available (yes, even the original Dome Driver) so you can flip through them while you sip. So bring your mug and we hope to see you there!***

REGISTER for Enchanted Rock Free Orientation


Tricks of the Trade Rock Climbing Guide Training

  • Date:Custom dates for groups of 3 or more
  • Gender: Coed
  • Age Group: 18+
  • Availability: 6 Spot
  • Cost: $75.00

Clinics (1)
Are you a climber that is interested in pursuing a career as a guide or improving your skills and knowledge? Join OWA in a 6 hour guide training at Reimers Ranch, located in the Texas Hill Country that will teach techniques and expand your climbing expertise. Some of the highlighted topics are lead climbing, building sport anchors, knot tying, teaching others to belay and how to be efficient when guiding any size group. This trip is led by an American Mountain Guides Association ( AMGA ) certified Single Pitch Instructor (SPI). You will learn tricks of the trade that rock climbing guides use in their own climbing time and when guiding others. This is a hands on training and you will be climbing, building anchors, practicing lead climbing, backing up new belayers and more. Some of these are the most advanced techniques being taught in Texas! After the clinic is over some of the OWA guides will be at Farmhouse Pizza at Jester King Brewery for a question and answer session as well as to enjoy some delicious pizza and drinks. (Transportation, food and drinks not included) Prerequisite: Basic rock climbing skills, ability to belay and have climbed a minimum of ten times indoors or outside. All participants are expected to have their own harness, helmet, belay device and climbing shoes. These can be rented from OWA with early notice. Pen and paper is suggested. What we do not provide: Transportation, cost of park entry fee, food, snacks, water and sunscreen. Training Starts at 9:30am. Please meet in the first main parking lot at Reimers Ranch a rock climbing destination in Central Texas owned by Travis County very near Austin Texas in Dripping Springs.

REGISTER for Tricks of the Trade Climbing guide training


Rock Climbing Movement Course

  • Date:Any day in the Fall 2014!
  • Gender: Coed
  • Age Group: 7-16 with adults in guardian, 16+ with wavier signed by guardian, 18+
  • Availability: 10 Spots per course
  • Cost: $90.00

The focus of this course is rock climbing movement and basic rock climbing skills. Climbing with an experienced rock climbig guide and coach from Outpost Wilderness Adventure you’ll learn and practice the mechanics behind climbing smoothly, efficiently and with grace. We cover basic climbing techniques and moves as well as touching on more in depth skills to become proficient at moving up! This course is designed for first time to intermediate climbers, no previous experience is required. We will touch on the safety equipment needed for climbing with the main focus being on climbing techniques during this 6 hour class. This class is taught by a Rock Guide from OWA who has experience guiding climbing, coaching and teaching movement. Location Seismic Wall. Class meets where the Loop 360 crosses Barton Creek. Look for the Barton Creek Greenbelt Sign and meet at Trailhead.

General Information about climbing with OWA at the Greenbelt
>The Austin Greenbelt is a cherished resource for the Austin climbing community. Located right in the city, the band of limestone cliffs offer fantastic featured climbing perfect for the beginner and expert alike. Our guides are highly experienced and are happy to teach all the necessary skills to have a fun day of climbing. So whether you’re looking to learn something about climbing or just want to log some vertical feet and have a good time, you’ll find it with Outpost Wilderness down at the Austin Greenbelt.


Reveille Peak Ranch Nov 8-11, 2024


Outpost Wilderneess has exclusive access to a unique climbing area they developed near Burnet, TX the weekend includes food, camping and climbing. Our camping facilities include bathrooms with showers, a pavillion for group meals and a lake to fish or swim in!

Colorado Rock trip April 6-12 , 2025 18 yr +


Outpost Wilderneess has exclusive access to a unique climbing area they developed near Burnet, TX the weekend includes food, camping and climbing. Our camping facilities include bathrooms with showers, a pavillion for group meals and a lake to fish or swim in!

Dirtbag Deluxe Enchanted Rock Texas Dec 13-15, 2024


Camping at climbing at Enchanted rock without the worry of where to go, what the anchor set up is like or what to cook for dinner! Our guides handle it all for a weekend of fun! Try the dirtbag lifestyle without the hastle !

Continental Ranch all inclusive Jan 17-20, 2025


Camping at climbing at Enchanted rock without the worry of where to go, what the anchor set up is like or what to cook for dinner! Our guides handle it all for a weekend of fun! Try the dirtbag lifestyle without the hastle ! Transportation to and from Austin included!