Learn the Lingo: Mountain Biking

Learn the Lingo: Mountain Biking

Starting a new sport or getting into a new community can be hard, especially when that community seems to have its own language. You’re trying to keep up with what they are talking about, but you get totally lost. Have you ever wished you just had a cheat sheet to...
Outdoor Moms, Here’s to You

Outdoor Moms, Here’s to You

People often ask me where I get my adventuresome spirit and love for the outdoors. I think a big part of it was how I was raised. We would often go hiking and camping as a family. My siblings and I were always encouraged to go outside and play. Television was a treat...
Staying Safe in the Mountains: Animal Encounters

Staying Safe in the Mountains: Animal Encounters

My friend and I were going to climb a 14er. We decided to start the long climb during the evening hours. We grabbed our headlamps and packed up our sleeping bags to hit the trail. With a plan to sleep at a lake a few miles in, we began our journey into the dark. About...
Tips for Beginner Backpackers

Tips for Beginner Backpackers

When I went on my first backpacking trip, I made a few rookie mistakes. I didn’t really know what I was doing, so I just kind of went for it. I had climbed a few mountains and gone on a lot of hikes, so it’s all the same in the long run (or should I say hike), right?...
The Four Types of Climbing Cleaners

The Four Types of Climbing Cleaners

If I go to hell, I will spend eternity cleaning. Already I can picture it, a smiling devil waiting to greet me as I step through the black iron gates, holding a broom and dustpan in place of a pitchfork. He will set me to mopping, vacuuming, washing dishes,...